The Harmony Township Code Enforcement and Zoning Department
Code Enforcement and Zoning Officer:
United Code Enforcement
134 S. McDonald Street
McDonald, PA 15057
Phone #- 412-537-6653
Compliance with the Official Harmony Township Ordinances are enforced concerning outdoor storage, parking of trailers, trucks and recreational vehicles, and general property maintenance. The Code Enforcement Officer issues citations for noncompliance with the Official Harmony Township Ordinances.
Be aware that the Official Harmony Township Ordinances must be followed and permits must be obtained prior to most building improvements and construction projects.
Since the Official Harmony Township Ordinances are not available in an electronic format, the information is available to view in person at the Municipal Building during regular office hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, except holidays. There is a fee for photocopies set at 25¢ per page.
For more information, contact the Code Enforcement Officer.
Department Documents
Registration of Rental Units
Document Type: Annual Rental Unit Operating License
Governing Ordinance: Official Ordinance No. 419- Rental Units
Purpose: All rental units in Harmony Township must be registered annually.
Checklist for Property Maintenance Inspection for Rentals Checklist for rental property
Required Form:2020 Harmony Twp Rental License Form
Special Instructions: Checks payable to Harmony Township.
Fee: Varies depending upon type of rental unit.
Sale of Property Document Package
Four (4) requirements must be met for the sale of property in Harmony Township.
Requirement Type: Property Maintenance Inspection
Purpose: Inspection to ensure a property adheres to code and safety standards.
Required Form:H-Inspection Application Request Form-SALE of Property rev0918
Checklist for Property Maintenance Inspection for Sale of Property Checklist for Sale of Property
Special Instructions: Checks payable to Harmony Township.
Fee: Residential $45
Requirement Type: Smoke and Dye Test/Document of Certification
Purpose: Inspection to ensure the sewer lines and storm sewer lines are connected properly.
Required Form:Smoke and Dye Test Application
Special Instructions: Checks payable to Harmony Township.
Test Fee: $135
Certification Fee: $25
Requirement Type: Municipal Lien Letter Request
Purpose: Provides confirmation of any or no liens against a property.
Required Form: HTMA Lien Letter Request
Special Instructions: Checks payable to Harmony Township Sewer Fund.
Fee: $30 Please make separate check for fee.
Subdivision and/or Land Development
Document Type: Subdivision and/or Land Development
Purpose: For the subdivision of parcels, consolidation of parcels, and/or land development.
Required Form: Subdivision-Land Development Application
Special Instructions: Checks payable to Harmony Township.
Fee: See applicable Township fee schedule.