The Harmony Township Board of Commissioners
- President: Constance Barlamas
- Vice President: Terry Mylan
- Commissioner: Matthew Molchen
- Commissioner: Glen Angus
- Commissioner: Grace DeBona
The following Committee Appointments are designed as follows:
Public Safety and VFD Relations
- Chairperson Grace DeBona
- Vice Matthew Molchen
Public Works Department
- Chairperson Matthew Molchen
- Vice Glen Angus
Health, Sanitation and Code Enforcement
- Chairperson Grace DeBona
- Vice Terry Mylan
Buildings and Grounds
- Chairperson Glen Angus
- Vice Constance Barlamas
Parks, Recreation, and Public Relations Relations
- Chairperson Matthew Molchen
- Vice Grace DeBona
- Chairperson Connie Barlamas
- Vice Terry Mylan
- Chairperson Terry Mylan
- Vice Constance Barlamas
Harmony Township