Community Bulletin Board
Agenda Meeting
October 16, 20242025 Meeting Schedule
Business Meetings are on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th Wednesday of each month and the other entities Civil Service, Zoning Hearing Board and Board of Appeals as needed.Next Meeting:
Commissioners Meetings
- January 15
- February 19
- March 16
- April 16
- May 21
- June 18
- July – Cancelled
- August 20
- September 17
- October 15
- November 29
- December 17
Workshop Sessions
- January 8
- February 5
- March 5
- April 2
- May 7
- June 4
- July – Cancelled
- August 6
- September 3
- October 1
- November 5
- December 3
Municipal Auth
- January 7
- February 11
- March 11
- April 8
- May 13
- June 10
- July – Cancelled
- August 12
- September 9
- October 7
- November 11
- December 9
Planning Comm
- January 22
- February 26
- March 26
- April 23
- May 28
- June 25
- July 23
- August 27
- September 24
- October 22
- November 26
- December TBD
To join Zoom for Public Meetings & Agenda Meetings
Meeting ID: 925 657 2153
Passcode: 323666
One tap mobile . . . +13017158592
A Copy of the agenda may be obtained at the Municipal Building during regular business hours by calling 724-266-1910
Owners of property located in Harmony Township and Ambridge Area School District should have received notice from the Beaver County Board of Assessment of a Notice of Tentative Assessment Change. This notice will identify the Property Location and the Parcel Number of the property located in the Township and the School District and subject to reassessment.
The Harmony Township Commissioners are presenting information provided by Tyler Technologies, who the County engaged to perform the census, In regard to the assessment process. Understandably, there may be some concern when you see the Tentative Value assigned your property.
The Township Board of Commissioners want to assure you that because of an increase in tentative value that does not mean that your tax to the Township will increase. In fact, a reassessment is revenue neutral. That means the Township is not permitted to receive revenue gains because of the reassessment. However, it is possible that some property owners will see increases and others may see a decrease, and others may remain approximately the same.
The attached FAQs tell you what you can do if you are not satisfied with the new value. If you are not satisfied, you can make an appointment for an informal value review interview with the representative of Tyler Technologies. These interviews will be conducted from April to June 2023. To schedule an interview, you must call 1-877-394-3379 between 8:30 and 4:30 Pm, Monday through Friday. You will reach a Call Center for scheduling purposes. The representatives cannot discuss any details surrounding your new value during the call. If you want to schedule an informal review request, it must be done within ten (10) days of the notice of Tentative Assessment Change. All in-person reviews will be held at the following location: 294 Massachusetts Avenue, Rochester, PA. 15074.
If you do not schedule an informal review meeting within the prescribed time you do not lose your right to appeal. An official appeal can be made to the Board of Assessment Revision within 40 days of the date on the Official Notice. You can obtain an application for the Board of Assessment Revision at the Beaver County Assessor’s Office located at the Beaver County Courthouse. It is recommended that property owners having any concern regarding the Tentative Value should schedule an in-person appeal review as soon as possible.Finally, we have included a Calendar of Important Dates you should keep in consideration. regarding the reassessment and related matters.
By providing the information and FAQs on the reassessment process, we hope this will be helpful to you and assist in navigating the process. If we may be of assistance do not hesitate to contact the Township at 724-266-1910 or Paula Winne, Tax Collector at 724-266-5890.
Reassessment Important Dates
March 2023 – Preliminary values mailed to property owners from Tyler Technologies. Once received the informal review period will begin and will be conducted by Tyler Technologies.
June 2023 – Once informal reviews are completed, Tyler Technologies will submit values to Beaver County. Change of assessment notices will then be sent to the property owners, changing values from base year 1982 to base year 2024. These will be sent from the Beaver County Assessment Office.
July 2023 – October 2023 – this is the informal appeal period which will be conducted by the County.
October 2023 – All appeal hearings must be completed by October 31st.
November 2023 – the 2024 tax roll will be certified, and these will be the assessed values used in figuring the 2024 Real Estate taxes.
Police Officer Application-08012024151947
ATTENTION: Harmony Township is hiring a full-time Police Officer. Applications must be completed in total and delivered to and received by the Township Manager’s Office, 2501 Woodland Road, Ambridge, PA 15003 on or before 3:30pm on Friday August 9th, 2024.